Wedding Shower Card Message

Wedding Shower Card Message

A wedding shower is a special occasion to celebrate the upcoming marriage of a couple. It is a time for friends and family to come together and shower the couple with gifts and well wishes.

If you are attending a wedding shower, it is customary to bring a card. The card should include a message of congratulations to the couple, as well as your best wishes for their future happiness.

Here are some tips for writing a wedding shower card message:

wedding shower card message

When writing a wedding shower card message, there are a few important points to keep in mind:

  • Be personal
  • Be sincere
  • Be brief
  • Be appropriate
  • Be timely
  • Proofread
  • Sign your name

By following these tips, you can write a wedding shower card message that will be cherished by the couple for years to come.

Be personal

One of the most important things to keep in mind when writing a wedding shower card message is to be personal. This means including details that are specific to the couple, such as a memory you share together or a wish for their future happiness.

Here are some tips for personalizing your wedding shower card message:

  • Use the couple's names in the message.
  • Mention a specific memory you share with the couple.
  • Share a wish for their future happiness.
  • Write a poem or a song for the couple.
  • Include a photo of you and the couple in the card.

By taking the time to personalize your wedding shower card message, you can create a keepsake that the couple will cherish for years to come.

Here are some examples of personal wedding shower card messages:

  • "Dear John and Mary, I am so happy to be here today to celebrate your upcoming wedding. I have known you both for many years, and I can honestly say that you are perfect for each other. I wish you a lifetime of happiness together."
  • "Dear Jane and Tom, I am so excited for you to start your new life together. I have always admired your love and commitment to each other. I know that you will have a long and happy marriage."
  • "Dear Sarah and Michael, I am so happy to be able to share this special day with you. I have been so blessed to watch your love grow over the years. I wish you all the best in your new life together."

Be sincere

When writing a wedding shower card message, it is important to be sincere. This means writing from the heart and expressing your genuine feelings for the couple.

  • Write from the heart

    Don't just copy and paste a generic message from the internet. Take the time to write something that is personal and meaningful to you.

  • Express your genuine feelings

    Tell the couple how much you love and care about them. Share your memories of them and your wishes for their future happiness.

  • Avoid being cheesy or clichéd

    There's nothing wrong with being sentimental, but try to avoid using overly cheesy or clichéd language. Be yourself and write in your own voice.

  • Proofread your message

    Before you sign your card, take a moment to proofread your message. Make sure there are no errors in grammar or spelling.

By following these tips, you can write a sincere wedding shower card message that will be cherished by the couple for years to come.

Be brief

When writing a wedding shower card message, it is important to be brief. This means keeping your message to a few short paragraphs. After all, the couple is going to be receiving a lot of cards, and they won't have time to read long, rambling messages.

  • Keep your message to a few short paragraphs

    A good rule of thumb is to keep your message to no more than three paragraphs. This will ensure that your message is easy to read and digest.

  • Use concise language

    When writing your message, use concise language. This means avoiding unnecessary words and phrases. Get to the point and say what you want to say in a clear and concise way.

  • Proofread your message

    Before you sign your card, take a moment to proofread your message. Make sure that there are no errors in grammar or spelling.

  • Sign your name

    Don't forget to sign your name at the bottom of your card. This will let the couple know who the message is from.

By following these tips, you can write a brief and concise wedding shower card message that will be appreciated by the couple.

Be appropriate

When writing a wedding shower card message, it is important to be appropriate. This means using language that is respectful and inoffensive. After all, this is a celebration of the couple's love and commitment to each other.

  • Avoid using profanity or vulgar language

    This is a special occasion, so it is important to use language that is respectful and appropriate.

  • Be sensitive to the couple's religious beliefs

    If you are not sure what the couple's religious beliefs are, it is best to err on the side of caution and avoid using any religious references in your message.

  • Avoid making jokes that could be offensive

    This is a time to celebrate the couple's happiness, so it is important to avoid making any jokes that could be offensive or hurtful.

  • Proofread your message

    Before you sign your card, take a moment to proofread your message. Make sure that there are no errors in grammar or spelling.

By following these tips, you can write an appropriate wedding shower card message that will be appreciated by the couple.

Be timely

When writing a wedding shower card message, it is important to be timely. This means sending your card to the couple well in advance of the shower. This will ensure that they receive your card before the big day and have time to read and appreciate your message.

Here are some tips for being timely with your wedding shower card message:

  • Send your card at least two weeks before the shower

    This will give the couple plenty of time to receive and read your card.

  • If you are unable to send your card two weeks in advance, send it as soon as possible

    Even if you are sending your card at the last minute, it is still important to send it. The couple will appreciate your thoughtfulness, no matter when they receive your card.

  • Include a note with your card explaining why it is late

    If you are sending your card late, be sure to include a note with your card explaining why. This will help the couple understand why they received your card late.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your wedding shower card message is timely and appreciated by the couple.

Here are some examples of timely wedding shower card messages:

  • "Dear John and Mary, I am so excited to celebrate your upcoming wedding! I wish you all the best in your new life together."
  • "Dear Jane and Tom, I am so sorry that I am unable to attend your wedding shower. Please know that I am thinking of you both and wishing you all the best on your wedding day."
  • "Dear Sarah and Michael, I am so happy to be able to share this special day with you. I wish you a lifetime of happiness together."


Once you have finished writing your wedding shower card message, it is important to proofread it carefully. This will help you to ensure that there are no errors in grammar or spelling.

  • Read your message aloud

    This will help you to catch any errors that you may have missed when reading it silently.

  • Check for errors in grammar and spelling

    You can use a dictionary or a grammar checker to help you with this.

  • Make sure that your message is clear and concise

    Avoid using unnecessary words and phrases.

  • Sign your name

    Don't forget to sign your name at the bottom of your card.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your wedding shower card message is error-free and ready to be sent to the couple.

Sign your name

The final step in writing a wedding shower card message is to sign your name. This will let the couple know who the message is from.

  • Sign your full name

    Don't just sign your first name or your initials. The couple will appreciate knowing who the message is from.

  • Write your name legibly

    Make sure that the couple can easily read your name.

  • Add a personal touch

    You can add a personal touch to your signature by including a heart, a smiley face, or a special symbol.

  • Date your message

    This is optional, but it can be a nice way to commemorate the occasion.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your wedding shower card message is complete and ready to be sent to the couple.

Here are some examples of how to sign your name on a wedding shower card: ``` Sincerely, Jane Doe With love, John and Mary Smith Best wishes, Michael and Sarah Jones Congratulations! Tom and Susan Brown ```### FAQ

Here are some frequently asked questions about writing wedding shower card messages:

Question 1: What should I write in a wedding shower card?
Answer 1: Your wedding shower card message should be personal, sincere, brief, appropriate, and timely. You can include a memory you share with the couple, a wish for their future happiness, or a piece of advice.

Question 2: How long should my wedding shower card message be?
Answer 2: Your wedding shower card message should be brief, no more than a few short paragraphs.

Question 3: What should I avoid writing in a wedding shower card?
Answer 3: Avoid using profanity or vulgar language, making jokes that could be offensive, or being overly sentimental.

Question 4: When should I send my wedding shower card?
Answer 4: You should send your wedding shower card at least two weeks before the shower.

Question 5: What should I do if I can't attend the wedding shower?
Answer 5: If you can't attend the wedding shower, you can still send a card to the couple. Be sure to include a note explaining why you can't attend.

Question 6: Can I include a gift with my wedding shower card?
Answer 6: Yes, you can include a gift with your wedding shower card. However, it is not necessary to do so.

Question 7: What are some tips for writing a wedding shower card message?
Answer 7: Here are some tips for writing a wedding shower card message: - Be personal and sincere. - Keep your message brief and to the point. - Avoid using profanity or vulgar language. - Be respectful of the couple's religious beliefs. - Proofread your message before sending it.

In addition to the tips above, here are a few additional tips for writing a wedding shower card message:

- Use your own unique voice. - Don't be afraid to be creative. - Have fun writing your message!### Tips

Here are a few additional tips for writing a wedding shower card message:

Tip 1: Use your own unique voice.

Don't try to copy someone else's style. Write your message in your own unique voice. This will make your message more personal and meaningful.

Tip 2: Don't be afraid to be creative.

There are no rules when it comes to writing a wedding shower card message. Be creative and have fun with it. You can write a poem, a song, or a story. Or, you can simply write a few heartfelt words.

Tip 3: Have fun writing your message!

Writing a wedding shower card message should be a楽しい experience. So relax, have fun, and let your creativity flow.

Tip 4: Proofread your message before sending it.

Once you have finished writing your message, proofread it carefully. Make sure that there are no errors in grammar or spelling. You can also ask a friend or family member to proofread your message before you send it.

By following these tips, you can write a wedding shower card message that is personal, sincere, and meaningful. The couple will cherish your message for years to come.

### Conclusion

Writing a wedding shower card message is a great way to show the couple how much you care. By following the tips in this article, you can write a message that is personal, sincere, and meaningful. The couple will cherish your message for years to come.

Here are the main points to remember when writing a wedding shower card message:

  • Be personal
  • Be sincere
  • Be brief
  • Be appropriate
  • Be timely
  • Proofread your message
  • Sign your name

By following these tips, you can write a wedding shower card message that is sure to be appreciated by the couple.

Congratulations to the happy couple!

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